![A poster about Tranquil Trails yoga and hiking meditation adventure.]()
Step into a world where tranquility reigns supreme, where the rhythm of your breath meets the pulse of nature’s heartbeat. Hiking Hound Adventures, LLC invites you on a journey that blends the serenity of yoga, the introspection of meditation, and the thrill of hiking into an adventure that speaks to your soul. Immerse yourself in stunning landscapes, find solace on the mat, and conquer trails that lead to moments of pure bliss. Let us guide you on a path of self-discovery, where each step brings you closer to inner peace and outer exploration. Join us and experience the magic of Tranquil Trails – where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the journey becomes a destination in itself.
Combining a multi-day backpacking adventure with a yoga retreat, we are able to offer a unique experience blending fitness and relaxation.
Duration: 2 Days, 1 Night
***Participants must be over the age of 18***
Your yoga instructor:
Rachel Tkaczyk
Rachel is a Philadelphia based healthcare professional and yoga instructor with a passion for wellness in both mind and body. She is a certified yoga teacher in addition to being a certified pediatric nurse practitioner. She has been practicing yoga for over fifteen years and believes that the skills we learn on the mat, are able to translate into our everyday lives off the mat. Her classes focus on connecting the body to the breath, allowing for an equal balance of movement and stillness. You can expect to find components of flow, strength, balance, flexibility, breathwork, and meditation in each of her classes. While they are primarily Vinyasa style, they can vary in theme and expression with the ultimate goal of giving her students the space and freedom to meet their own individual needs each time they step on their mats.